We used FastQC to trim poor quality reads and Tuxedo Suite, TopHat, and Bowtie for alignment. Read counts are expressed in transcripts per kilobase million (TPM). and Bulk RNA seq data has been deposited in Geo (GSE277389). Embryonic pituitary cDNA clone end sequences are deposited at https://fantom.gsc.riken.jp/data/.
We took advantage of the randomized allocation of the US EPA's funding for school bus replacements and retrofits to causally assess the impacts of upgrading buses through the EPA’s national School Bus Rebate Program on various outcomes including attendance, educational performance, and community air quality (PM2.5). Specifically, we used classical intent-to-treat analyses for randomized controlled trials to compare the changes in school district average attendance, test scores (reading language arts and math), and PM2.5 levels after vs before the 2012 through 2017 lotteries by funding selection status. We used overall district attendance rates and average standardized test scores since rates were not available for only school-bus riders.
In this study, we took advantage of the randomized allocation of the US EPA's funding for school bus replacements and retrofits to causally assess the impacts of upgrading buses on student attendance through the EPA’s national School Bus Rebate Program. Specifically, we used classical intent-to-treat analyses for randomized controlled trials to compare the change in school district level attendance rates after vs before the 2012 through 2017 lotteries by funding selection status . We used overall district attendance rates since rates were not available for only school-bus riders.
Pedde, M., Szpiro, A., Hirth, R. et al. Randomized design evidence of the attendance benefits of the EPA School Bus Rebate Program. Nat Sustain (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-023-01088-7
In this study, we took advantage of the randomized allocation of the US EPA's funding for school bus replacements and retrofits to causally assess the impacts of upgrading buses through the EPA’s national School Bus Rebate Program on attendance, educational performance, and community air quality (PM2.5). Specifically, we used classical intent-to-treat analyses for randomized controlled trials to compare the changes in school district average attendance, test scorers (reading language arts and math), and PM2.5 levels after vs before the 2012 through 2017 lotteries by funding selection status.
Adar SD, Pedde M, Hirth R, Szpiro A. 2024. Assessing the National Health, Education, and Air Quality Benefits of the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s School Bus Rebate Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial Design. Research Report 221. Boston, MA: Health Effects Institute.
In this study, we took advantage of the randomized allocation of the US EPA's funding for school bus replacements and retrofits to causally assess the impacts of upgrading buses on students' educational performance through the EPA’s national School Bus Rebate Program. Specifically, we used classical intent-to-treat analyses for randomized controlled trials to compare the change in school district level reading and language arts and math standardized test scores after vs before the 2012 through 2016 lotteries by funding selection status . We used overall district average standardized test scores since rates were not available for only school-bus riders.
The search data supports a literature review project on lifestyle therapies for the management of atrial fibrillation. The data included in the dataset are the reproducible search strategies (in docx) and the exported results of all citations from all databases (txt and ris files). These searches and exported result files contain all citations originating from the database searches that were considered for inclusion.
While collaboration with industry is paramount to innovation, the recent emphasis on industrial relationship transparency has sparked new guidelines, research studies, and standardizations focused on re-defining conflict of interest. There is limited data on defining the specific financial amount wherein a conflict of interest is relevant. This study is the first to assess the potential financial effects on high-quality clinical data, or the “indirect sponsorship”.
Criss CN, MacEachern MP, Matusko N, Dimick JB, Maggard-Gibbons M, Gadepalli SK. The Impact of Corporate Payments on Robotic Surgery Research: A Systematic Review. Ann Surg. 2019 Mar; 269 (3): 389-396. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000003000. PMID: 30067545. https://doi.org/10.1097/SLA.0000000000003000
The dataset represents the complete search strategies for all literature databases searched during the systematic review. The Endnote and Excel files of all citations considered for inclusion in the review are also included.
The dataset represents the complete search strategies for all literature databases searched during the systematic review. The Endnote library that contains all citations is also included.
The dataset includes the reproducible search strategies for all literature databases searched during the review, the key articles used to generate relevant search terms and test the effectiveness of the searches, the Endnote library that has all citations considered for inclusion, a flow chart describing the screening process, and the screening forms used for inclusion and exclusion.
Bennett K, Berlin N, MacEachern MP, Buchman S, Vercler C. (2018). The ethical and professional use of social media in surgery - A systematic review of the literature. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 142(3), 388e-398e. PMID: 30148789. https://doi.org/10.1097/prs.0000000000004692