Central Mali documentary videos

Open Access

Short documentary videos of practical activities and cultural events of Dogon, Fulbe, Songhay, and Bangande ethnic groups of eastern Central Mali. The videos were byproducts of linguistic research on the local language. They are presented here in three formats: wmv, avi, and either qt or mov. See the "readme" files in each work for a summary of the videos in it.

The footage was shot with various digital cameras. The oldest videos (2010 and one or two from 2011) were edited using iMovie. The later videos were edited using AVS editing software. Several of the 2010 videos, referred to as "compilations," are simple sequences of short clips that combine to illustrate a complex activity such as extracting oil from nuts. The later videos are in more flowing documentary form with overlaid titles in English. In some cases, vocabulary from the relevant native language is included in the titles.

Works (8)

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