Work Description

Title: Pere language lexical datasheets and audio files Open Access Deposited

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  • Audiofiles were recorded in the field with a Tascam portable digital recorder. Lexical data are in the form of spreadsheets and are based on lexical elicitation of the sort typically done in preparation of dictionaries. Additional lexical items were extracted from transcriptions of recorded texts. Flora-fauna fieldwork included identification of observed, photographed, or collected specimens wherever possible, especially for plants. For non-plant fauna, most identifications were made using existing photographs or images, supplemented (for birds) by commercially available recorded calls.
  • fieldwork in Bonosso village, Côte d’Ivoire, chiefly 2016-19. See "readme" file for description of the materials.
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Funding agency
  • National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
ORSP grant number
  • AWD004609
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Last modified
  • 11/19/2022
  • 01/05/2021
To Cite this Work:
Jeffrey Heath. (2021). Pere language lexical datasheets and audio files [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data.


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Files (Count: 25; Size: 50.7 MB)

This work is related to: Jeffrey Heath & Brahima Tiote. 2019. Pere (Bere, Mbre) language of Cte dIvoire. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3346580 with a backup deposit in Deepblue Documents This is a moribund language which had about 30 active speakers in 2018. Heath and Tiote did fieldwork with some of these speakers. See the grammar for details. The audiofiles are for recordings in Pere language. In addition to the currently available materials, some short documentary videos are in preparation. This work contains: Pere text transcriptions and translations, copied from A grammar of Pere. Pere lexicon.xlsx (spreadsheet with separate worksheets for noun, adjective, numeral, other, verb) The various xlsx worksheets are separately duplicated as csv files, as follows: Pere lexicon noun.csv Pere lexicon adjective.csv Pere lexicon numeral.csv Pere lexicon other.csv Pere lexicon verb.csv flora-fauna terms are also presented in spreadsheet form: Pere flora fauna.xlsx (all types) The various xlsx worksheets are separately duplicated as csv files, as follows Pere flora fauna bird.csv Pere flora fauna fish.csv Pere flora fauna herp.csv Pere flora fauna insect.csv Pere flora fauna mammal.csv Pere flora fauna plant.csv audiotapes Pere recording 2018_01 020130_0142 tale.mp3 Pere recording 2018_02 020130_0143 tale.mp3 Pere recording 2018_03 020130_0144 tale.mp3 Pere recording 2018_04 020202_0148 tale.mp3 Pere recording 2018_05 020202_0149 tale.mp3 Pere recording 2018_06 020202_0150 tale.mp3 Pere recording 2018_07 020202_0151 tale.mp3 Pere recording 2018_08 020201_0145 cooking.mp3 Pere recording 2018_09 020201_0146 cooking.mp3 Pere recording 2018_10 020201_0147 cooking.mp3 The recordings are transcribed and translated at the end of the grammar volume. A copy of just the text translations/transcriptions is included here. The format of each lexical worksheet (noun, adjective, numeral, verb, other) is customized for the particular stem-class, as detailed below. All worksheets have English and French translations, and a column for any comments. Some also have a Koro translation column (red in the xlsx version). Most worksheets also have columns with codings for the syllabic shape in terms of C[onsonant] and v[owel], and for the tonal melody in sequences of H[igh] and L[ow] tones, which can be used for sorting purposes. These columns are blank for some stem-classes with small numbers of forms. The blank columns would allow for the worksheets to be combined into a single worksheet. noun and adjective: singular (unsuffixed); singular with Absolute suffix; plural with Absolute suffix; (where not predictable) plural (unsuffixed). Annotation columns include no -a (Absolute suffix is not allowed); cpd (compound status), rdp (reduplication), xC (added consonant in Absolute form), and sem (semantic category, e.g. kinship). other: stem column codes the items as adv (adverb), aux (auxiliary verb), coord (coordinand and or or), dem (demonstrative), disc (discourse category), interrog (interrogative), neg (negation), postp (postposition), pred (predicate element such as inflections), pron (pronoun), quant (quantifier), suffix, and particle (grammatical particle). verb: Pere Pfv (perfective stem), Pere Ipfv (imperfective stem), class (motion, consume, adj[ectival], open/shut, food, sound, stance, body, farm, impact, build, do, talk). The flora-fauna worksheets include additional information for each entry, in addition to those in the noun worksheet for general vocabulary, described above. Each sheet has a column for Koro counterparts (red in the xlsx version) of the Pere words. The latter are given in the same format as for nouns in the regular lexical worksheet (unsuffixed singular, singular with Absolute suffix, plural with Absolute suffix, and where unpredictable unsuffixed plural). Other columns present scientific identifications (species, genus, family). The basis column indicates seen, spcm (plant specimen, with number), descrip[tion], or ex pic (from picture shown to native speaker). For plants, status indicates which species are cultivated (cult). For non-plant worksheets, code is a subcategory, such as snake versus reptile in the herp worksheet.

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