Connect Your ORCID iD to your Deep Blue Data Profile
Connecting your ORCID iD to your profile in Deep Blue Data ensures that you get credit for sharing your data. After you’ve connected your ORCID iD, any future datasets you deposit into Deep Blue Data can have your ORCID iD automatically included in the metadata. This integration also allows for your shared datasets to appear in your ORCID profile page - further enhancing their visibility.
Here’s how to link your ORCID iD:
In the upper right corner, log in to Deep Blue Data.
After logging in, you will be redirected to your Profile page. If not, click your email in the upper right corner and then click “Profile.”

On your Profile page, click “Connect to ORCID.”

Sign in to ORCID. After signing in, you will need to grant Deep Blue Data access to your ORCID profile by clicking on “Authorize Access.”

After authorizing, you’ll be redirected back to your profile in Deep Blue Data. Your ORCID iD will now appear. In the ORCID Sync box, you can select 1) if you’d like your datasets to appear in the Works section of your ORCID profile and 2) if you’d like your Deep Blue Data profile page to show any fields from your ORCID profile. After making your selections, click Save Preferences.

If you have already drafted a dataset and would like your ORCID to appear, return to your draft by clicking Works on the left toolbar. Select your draft dataset and then check the ‘Use depositor ORCID’ box (under the dataset’s title).
The next time you draft a dataset, the ‘Use depositor ORCID’ box will be automatically checked. This means that your ORCID iD will automatically appear in the dataset’s metadata (after you save your dataset as a draft or submit it for review). You can uncheck this box when drafting your dataset.

Note: Currently, only the depositor’s ORCID iD can be displayed. In the future, we hope to have the option to display all creator ORCID iDs.
For people working at the Dearborn or Flint campuses, please note that connecting your ORCID iD to your Deep Blue Data profile may change your institutional affiliation to the Ann Arbor campus in the Employment section of your ORCID profile. You can correct this by manually changing your Employment Information in your ORCID profile.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.