
This website came out of my involvement with Out Of This World, an exhibit curated by prof. Sherri Smith (Art and Design) and coordinated by prof. Sally Oey (Astronomy) as part of the University of Michigan’s LSA Winter 2009 theme semester The Universe: Yours to Discover. Amy Harris, Director of the Exhibit Museum of Natural History, suggested including reproductions of the library’s rare astronomical maps, and prof. Rudi Lindner (History) was generous in lending his expertise during the selection of materials. Barbara MacAdam, Associate University Librarian for Public Services, provided funding for the prints.

I am grateful to the University of Michigan’s Map Library for loaning many of the materials for this project, and especially to Tim Utter for helping in the conversion effort. Lara Unger and Lawrence Wentzel of DLPS’s Digital Conversion Unit shepherded the original materials through the digitization process, Randal Stegmeyer produced the photographs, and Terri Geitgey of the Scholarly Publishing Office provided invaluable help in assembling the various pieces into a finished website. Julia Mitchell created a beautiful design for the site and put up with numerous changes of direction throughout the design process.

I would also like to thank the Shapiro Science Library and its director, Catherine Soehner, for providing me with the time and resources to create this exhibit.

Jacob Glenn
Shapiro Science Library
The University of Michigan

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Copyright 2009, University of Michigan ~ Acknowledgements