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Planisphaerium terrestre cum utroque coelesti hemisphaerio

Adam Friedrich Zrner
Unknown publisher, ca. 1710
From the collection of the University of Michigan Map Library

While not primarily an astronomical map, this world map from the studio of the well known 18th century German cartographer Adam Friedrich Zrner (1679-1742) contains a wealth of astronomical details in the form of 26 inset diagrams and illustrations.

Flanking the terrestrial hemispheres above and below are Northern and Southern celestial planispheres, which feature the Ptolemaic constellations as well as a few newer ones. The geocentric solar systems of Ptolemy and Tycho Brahe are shown to the side of each terrestrial hemisphere, and below are diagrams of the Copernican system and the phases of the moon.

The crowded strip at the foot of the map contains diagrams of planetary configurations during solar and lunar eclipses, as well as an illustration of the scales and distances of the planets. Forming a background to all this are detailed illustrations of natural phenomena such as whirlpools, tides, and the eruption of Mt. Etna.

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