images of nonflowering plants. file names begin with fl (for "flora") plus "fern", "fungi", or "lichen". The lichen Pseudevernia is imported dry as a spice especially in Timbuktu.
images of plants, in nature or specimens, of the family Molluginaceae. The common species in Central Mali are Mollugo nudicaulis (from which a spontaneous "soap" can be made) and Glinus lotoides. See also Aizoaceae (Trianthema, Zaleya), Gisekiaceae (Gisekia), and Limeaceae (Limeus). These families have been combined in various ways in previous classifications.
This is a collection of photos of villages located primarily in Central Mali. These photos are primarily of Dogon villages, but there are village photos of other nearby ethnicities, including Bangande, Fulbe, Tuareg, Songay, and Bozo.These photos were taken to document the villages Professor Jeffrey Heath worked in and people he worked with while documenting languages throughout the region. For interactive geographical maps involving these villages see:
images of plants in nature or specimens, family Anacardiaceae. Includes Anacardium (cashew) and Mangifera (mango). Genus Ozoroa was included in Heeria in the past.
images of plants in nature or specimens, family Annonaceae. Annona reticulata and A. squamosa are planted in courtyards for their fruits (sweetsop). Xylopia is an imported spice ("grains of Selim").